Mr. Chamberlain resigned the Premiership last night and has been succeeded by Mr. Winston Churchill, the First Lord of the Admiralty. Following is the official statement:Ñ The Right Hon. Neville Chamberlain, M.P., resigned the office of Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury this evening and the Right Hon. Winston Churchill, C.H., M.P., accepted his MajestyÕs invitation to fill the position. The Prime Minister desires that all Ministers should remain at their posts and discharge their functions with full freedom and responsibility while the necessary arrangements for the formation of a new Administration are made. Mr. Chamberlain is to join the new Government and will be a member of the War Cabinet. Earlier in the day the National Executive of the Labour party had met at Bournemouth and had Òunanimously decided to take its share of responsibility as a full partner in a new Government under a new Premier which would command the confidence of the nation.Ó May 11, 1940 THE NEW GOVERNMENT Mr. ChurchillÕs words yesterday were sombre but heartening. We have before us, as he said, Òmany, many long months of struggle and of suffering.Ó Our lot is Òblood and toil and tears and sweat.Ó But the greater and the closer the danger the better the heart in which we go forward. We at last, even the most careless of us, see that everything we value in life is in jeopardy. The last few days have witnessed a surging up of the national spirit which, if it can be held and harnessed, will bring the victory we seek. The new Government takes office with greater goodwill than any Government of our modern history. It can command all our loyalties. The career of its predecessor has shown that the people demand leadership, plain speaking, and opportunity of service. Mr. ChamberlainÕs Government fell because it did not give them. Mr. ChurchillÕs Government will be judged by the quickness and completeness with which it mobilises our resources. Mr. Churchill put the truth in a phrase: ÒIf you ask what is our policy, I will say it is to wage war, war by air, land, and sea; war with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us.Ó To that everything is subordinate. And the one thing that stands out from the political crisis is that the greater the call on the people the more ready will be the response. The Government is a Coalition and will have the inevitable difficulties of coalitions. It can at least be said that it has been well launched and with high hopes. The House of Commons yesterday showed how greatly Mr. ChamberlainÕs patriotic action in remaining in office has smoothed the transition for his own party. That we must admit even if we had rather Mr. Chamberlain were not still in the War Cabinet.